First steps

Manage candidates



Now your offer is visible on your career page and interested candidates can apply on it. So it’s time to review the applications and engage selected candidates in the recruitment process. Let’s not let them wait!

To view applications, go to Human Resources > My Projects or Projects Database and open your project.

Then go to the Applications tab. There you will see a list of candidates waiting for your action. You can view their data and documents by clicking on the tile with their name. You can also select one or more candidates to do one of three actions: engage them in the project (plus icon), reject (minus icon) or mark them as spam (exclamation point icon).

When rejecting candidates, you can immediately send them an e-mail with feedback.

If you decide to engage candidates in the selected project, they will be moved to the Engaged candidates tab, and thus a candidate profile will be created for them.

After opening it, you will be able to complete information about them, add evaluations and notes, transfer to the next stages of the process, arrange meetings, and hire after completing the recruitment.

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