First steps

Create application form



Creating form

To start recruiting employees, you need to create an application form with which they will be able to apply for work in your company. The forms in Hello Astra function as templates, just like job ads. Which means you can use them in multiple recruitment campaigns.

To do this, go to the Forms tab in the Sourcing section of the menu. Then, in the upper right corner, click CREATE FORM button.

In the form creation view, enter the name of the form (it will be displayed in the form list in the system).

Optionally, in the Descriptions section, you can add descriptions displayed in different parts of the form and translations for them.

Below, in the Basic information section, there are mandatory fields for each recruitment form - candidate’s contact details and a field to upload a CV file.

Below you will find a number of optional fields that you can add to the form according to your preferences. You can also mark them as required fields.

Creating template

If you click CANCEL - the changes made will be lost, the PREVIEW button allows you to see the form in a new tab, the SAVE AS DRAFT button allows you to save the form as a draft (note, it will not be possible to use the draft of a form to create a recruitment campaign), the SAVE AS TEMPLATE button creates a form template.

IMPORTANT! This form template is not yet automatically posted on your career page, but can be used to create a recruitment campaign that will post a form on your career page.

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