First steps
Create job ad
In Hello Astra, job ads function as templates. This means that you can make one job offer for a given position and use it multiple times in various recruitment campaigns.
To create a job ad template, go to the Sourcing > Job ads tab. Then click the CREATE JOB button in the upper right corner.
In the Name field, enter the internal name of the offer - it will be visible on the list of offers but it will not be visible to the candidate.
Select the location and/or select the remote work option. After selecting the remote work option, you will have to define to what extent the work will be remote.
Then define what data are to be visible on the job ad page: Reference number, Publication date, Expiring date.
In the Additional information section, you will define the details of the offer, such as: industry, working hours, position level, type of contract, information whether recruitment for this position is remote. Below, in the Salary section, you can define whether the salary ranges should be always visible to the candidate, never visible or visible only when it is required (e.g. on job portals that require a salary information).
In the Descriptions section, you can enter job descriptions in different languages. To do this, click the Add description button.
On the screen, select the language in which you will create the description (languages available here are the ones enabled in the career page settings). Then enter the job title that will be displayed on the career page.
In the description you can add as many sections as you want to your job ad description. Both the titles and content of the sections are completely up to you.
Below you can define tags that will be displayed in a special section in the offer. These may include the required technologies, known programs, skills or certifications. In the next section you can add the stages of the recruitment process in a given vacancy.
Click the “SAVE” button below to save the description.
Now you can add translations to the description. You will be able to choose the languages that have been enabled in the Sourcing > Settings > Languages tab. You can add a new translation from scratch or copy and work on a previously added description.
Creating template
As you have defined the details of the posting and added all the prepared descriptions and translations, it is time to save the template.
There are several buttons at the bottom of the Create Job page.
If you click CANCEL - the changes made will be lost, the PREVIEW button allows you to see the ad in a new tab, the SAVE AS DRAFT button allows you to save the job ad as a draft (note, it will not be possible to use the draft of an ad to create a recruitment campaign), the SAVE AS TEMPLATE button creates an ad template.
IMPORTANT! This ad template is not yet automatically posted on your career page, but can be used to create a recruitment campaign that will post an ad on your career page.